Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quick Note Update for Thursday December 27th, 2012

Hi All,
Well, as we come closer to ending yet another year, I and I hope you can reflect on so much great music that has come to us all in 2012 and by the looks of things, there's plenty more where that came from to come in 2013!
Heaven + Earth's new one especially something I can't wait to hear!
The new Steve Lukather is not too shabby either, nice work again Luke, that'll be out late January!
T&N the band featuring George Lynch, Mick Brown and Jeff Pilson will be getting a new (2nd) album out soon in 2013 and they plan to tour with Michael Sweet (Stryper) helping out on vocals / rhythm guitar too.
Sorry there's no news update right now. I had hoped to get something done, but it's been a crazy Christmas, very busy, but then we've had a little sickness in the house too.
Rhonda and I had planned a jam tonight (Thursday), with a bunch of band mates from various line ups, but with the kids struggling with chesty coughs, noses going too, we couldn't see how we could pass them off to family to take care of, so we've postponed the jam for now ...
I really wanted to get more reviews up here too, but ..., time has been no friend, so apologies to my many PR contacts and artists, that it didn't happen. It was not intended. :(
Sadly, many I have just not even had the chance to get to watch (DVD's) or listen to with some of the albums. Again, it was not intended.
So ....
I hope and pray that 2013 can be a little better in terms of getting to more stuff.
I wish I had a few more 'helpers' here at 'C.O.R.' could sure use some ....
Anyway, it's 1.30am, T.G. it's the holidays, but I need to sleep, already corrected a bunch of typo's as I did this!
Take care folks, hope to get something up before the year's out, so check back soon, OK?!