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Friday, January 20, 2012

Brief News for Friday January 20th, 2012

Quiet Riot troubles again

It seems there is unrest in the Quiet Riot camp once again.
Singer Mark Huff, who the band found as their replacement vocalist for the sadly passed Kevin Dubrow, it seems has a few health problems that the band don't seem to accept, based on some press information elsewhere, but the guy is in hospital for some serious surgery ... On his brain!

The lineup was Frankie Banali on drums, bassist Chuck Wright, guitarist Alex Grossi and vocalist Mark Huff.

Dee Snider's House of Hair shared this statement, that apparently was released to the press. - I've seen it nowhere else, not even on the Quiet Riot site, that has no news section anyway?!

Quiet Riot has axed singer Mark Huff, who’s been fronting the band since late 2010. He was replaced by former Montrose singer Keith St. John for three live shows next month. Huff says he didn’t find out about it … until he read about it and at a bad time. He wrote on his Facebook page, “As I sit in hospital…wait for my brain surgery…I have been let go from Quiet Riot. And nobody's had balls to tell it to my face. Interesting…the rock 'n' roll business. I have to read the news in a post that's not even directed to me? WTF? Let me tell all my friends…don't count me out. Watch what happens. It's obvious what I ever meant to this situation. I deserve better treatment. Don't worry about me, worry about your own bad selves. And I am gonna take the high road … I have so much sh*t I could speak. Stay tuned, my friends … and if you aren’t … delete me.”

Veteran Quiet Riot drummer Frank Banali responded on his Facebook page, “My policy has always been not to air out the dirty laundry in public. That policy remains the same even in light of those who chose to make accusations. The fact is that Mr. Huff's medical condition had nothing to do with the decision that was made, though it is unfortunate that it comes at such a time. His wife assured me that Mark would be home this week, and as legal protocol dictated, a certified letter was sent informing Mark of the decision that was made and why it was made. This was days ago. The content of that letter is a private matter unless Mr. Huff decides to make the reason for his dismissal made public, which I believe would be counterproductive for him. I will not go tit for tat with this issue. If certain persons wish to villainize me, that is their prerogative."
Gotta love all that legalize!
So something is certainly not right ...
Have to say, my sympathies have to go with Mark Huff if you ask me.
Hope it works out OK Mark. Good luck bud.

Official links:
Quiet Riot
Mark Huff:

PRETTY MAIDS to celebrate their 30th Anniversary with the release of 'It Comes Alive' - the band’s first ever audio-visual release !

Frontiers Records is pleased to celebrate PRETTY MAIDS Thirtieth Anniversary with the release of the band’s first ever live 2CD/DVD package entitled “It Comes Alive (Maid in Switzerland)” on March 23rd in Europe and March 27th in North America.

Following the highly acclaimed 2010 album “Pandemonium”, Danish melodic hard rockers, Pretty Maids have been touring more or less constantly throughout 2010/2011. They undertook a full scale European tour in 2010 and have since played several festivals and occasional gigs. The overwhelming response to the new songs and the ongoing requests coming from the fans prompted the band to take their chance and record a live 2CD/DVD last October 1st 2011. Pretty Maids gathered in Pratteln, Switzerland with an enthusiastic and highly explosive crowd of die hard fans and followers to fulfill the demand, for an energetic and memorable performance which was recorded with a fully equipped mobile studio and cameras.

“Riding on the success of our previous studio album Pandemonium and with maybe the strongest line up ever, we thought that we’d make some kind of a live document of what this band is all about in the present time” tells singer Ronnie Atkins. “It Comes Alive is purely and simply a tribute to all our fans and supporters throughout the world, who gave us so many memorable moments, so much pleasure and making our childhood dreams come through”.

“The band’s spirit during the last couple of years has been better than in a long long time” says Atkins. And “It Comes Alive (Maid in Switzerland)” shows the band at the top of their game, performing songs from a 30 year long career.

“It’s always difficult to make a set list that satisfies everyone” continues the singer, “It’s a combination of what the crowd expect us to play and what we like to play ourselves ! But of course there are songs like Futureworld and Red hot and Heavy that we have been playing for the last 25 years so, they still get a new life every time we play ‘em and still seem to please our audience. But basically what you will find on this Live album are the songs that we toured with on the Pandemonium tour, with a few exceptions”.

“It Comes Alive (Maid in Switzerland)” will be exclusively released in a lavish 2cd/dvd digipak released and will include the following tracks:

CD1: Pandemonium; I.N.V.U; Hell on high heels; Wake up to the real world; Destination paradise; Another shot of your love; Scream; Walk away; It comes at night; Queen of dreams; Savage heart; Clay.
CD2: Yellow rain; Rock the house; Back to back; Rodeo; Lovegames; Future world; Little drops of heaven; Please don’t leave me; Red hot and heavy; Lethal Heroes*
* bonus track

DVD Contents: Pandemonium; I.N.V.U.; Hell On High Heels; Wake Up To The Real World; Destination Paradise; Another Shot of your love; Scream; Walk Away; It Comes At Night; Queen Of Dreams; Savage Heart; Yellow Rain; Rock The House; Back To Back; Rodeo; Love Games; Future World; Little Drops Of Heaven; Please Don't Leave Me; Red Hot & Heavy.
Rockumentary (incl. backstage footage and interviews with the band)

DVD Format: NTSC Region Free / Length 120 mins / Stereo mix 2.0 / Screen 16:9

The Album trailer can be enjoyed following this link:

It Comes Alive (Maid in Switzerland) captures Pretty Maids in their finest moment, Live on stage – In your face ! It’s party time, so just: TURN UP THE VOLUME !

Ronnie Atkins: Vocals
Ken Hammer: Guitar
Rene Shades: Bass
Allan Tchicaja: Drums
Morten Sandager: Keyboards

Richie Sambora new solo album in the works

Bon Jovi guitarist, Richie Sambora's Stranger In this Town and Undiscovered Soul were both great solo albums from the man and it's felt like an eternity since the latter album was released.

Yes, I understand Bon Jovi has been busy on the road as they always are once they release a new album, I also think that it's common knowledge that Richie has had a few battles with his own demons in recent times, but I think any real rock fan will agree that the man's guitar work is phenomenal, either with Bon Jovi or on his solo work.

Sadly there seems to be no official Richie Sambora website, for any further update but there are numerous fan sites, so take what you will from them ...
I in fact learned this from my musician friend Stuart Smith, who actually was over at his former brother-in-law's house to borrow a guitar, when Richie revealed he's working on a new record.
Sambora played on Stuart Smith's first Heaven and Earth project album, laying down some great guitar work alongside Smith own great playing.

All I can say is roll on that release, he's a seriously talented player and you really wonder these days - No pun intended! - whether Richie needs Bon Jovi anymore?
He's certainly well known enough in his own right.
Go on Richie, do it! Good luck with the album! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

BCC – Live Over Europe DVD review

BCC – Live Over Europe DVD review
Released on: J&R Adventures. Release Date: Available now

The titles open against a sound like the factory operations that dominated the midlands area known as the Black Country!

Black Country Communion, what a killer band!
Glenn Hughes (Deep Purple, Trapeze, Hughes / Thrall), Joe Bonamassa, Jason Bonham (Airrace, Foreigner, UFO, Led Zeppelin) and Derek Sherinian (Dream Theater), what else need be said about these guys except for the fact that they are all experts in their own trades.

Two phenomenal voices in Glenn Hughes and Joe Bonamassa, great harmony vocals from Bonham, funk rock bass from Hughes, hard rocking blues guitar from Bonamassa and keyboard wizardry like no other from Sherinian.
The sound they create, will never be copied, it captures so much uniqueness, but with many elements from their individual 'previous lives' shall we say, to create a fantastic sound.

The intro piece is a snippet of the band in a live setting, with ‘Revolution of the Machine’ before the bands rips through their theme song, ‘Black Country,’ then it’s the excellent ‘One Lost Soul’ – My favourite from 'BCC 2' – which is as good in a live setting as it is in the studio and Glenn Hughes is clearly so into the whole event, it’s great!

The sound mix could be a little better, especially if it’s direct board stuff rather than just mic’d, but ‘Hey,’ it is live and most of these shows come across as being outdoor events, which helps even less.
I must say I think Joe Bonamassa’s guitar playing just goes from strength to strength! He’s incredible!

‘Crossfire’ is up next and it leads you into a kind of false sense of security, as it starts gently and just grows!
It still has its soulful, funky elements that are just so Glenn Hughes about it, which speaks volumes. 
Up to this point it’s all Glenn handling the lead vocals, Jason Bonham and Joe helping out on backup vocals.

What’s perhaps a little funny - as in strange - is that when Derek Sherinian does get to flex his keyboard muscles with a solo, the camera doesn’t always focus on him it stays with Glenn and Joe.

‘Save Me’ starts soulfully before then getting into a (Led) Zeppelin like groove, but then Bonamassa’s solo is perhaps more akin to something say Ritchie Blackmore would’ve played back in his rock days, which is no bad thing by me!

The film footage then jumps onto following the tour bus, taking the band to the next city on the road and now Joe Bonamassa gets to flex his lead vocal talents on ‘Battle For Hadrian’s Wall.’ I really love this song and it also gives Jason Bonham a chance to showcase some fills that are excellent!
LOL! The camera seems to catch Derek Sherinian looking bored at times or maybe that’s just a focused look!
In fairness to the guy, his keyboards sound pretty low in the mix for the most part of much of the footage here, than say that of Hughes or Bonamassa.

‘Beggarman’ is next and it’s one of those songs that for the most part is great, but there’s a little melody line in it, where the last note always sounds off to me?

Then Glenn Hughes is caught in a brief backstage interview moment, explaining that BCC is not trying to change the world, ‘We’re simply, just a rock and roll band!’

‘Faithless’ is the next track on display here at a different show along the way and yes …, this one is another favourite of mine. It’s class!

Then it’s Joe’s turn to talk to the camera before it’s back to the band and ‘Song of Yesterday.’
It’s a song that grows into epic proportions, starting slow and laid back and then grows and grows, at times reminding me a little of Bad Company. Glenn Hughes joins in the second half of the song, but it’s right out of the Bonamassa songbook basically.

We get a little funky next which of course is Glenn Hughes territory, with the groove of ‘I Can See Your Spirit.’ I really love Joe’s solo here, then Derek gets in on the act too, before Jason shows what he’s very capable of!

Glenn then introduces ‘Cold’ as a song they wrote about the many friends that they’ve all lost over the years and dealing with acceptance of loss to move on. Deep stuff …
It’s seriously beautifully, soulful! I love it!
Glenn’s voice here is stunning, while kudos are in order to Jason for his harmonizing.

 Joe next take vocal duties for the bluesy rocker, ‘Ballad of John Henry.’
It must be said that this band is just so impressive, with the two very different lead vocalists. Joe’s style is not unlike Paul Rodgers, but smoother if you ask me! Glenn Hughes is …, well, Glenn Hughes! I don’t think there’s anyone even close to sounding how he does!

Jason is then caught on camera, speaking of just how lucky he is, to have the job he does! Explaining that the hardest part is all the travelling, but then they hit the stage and its all clear as to why they do what they do.

 ‘The Outsider’ from the second album is certainly one of the strongest tracks – for me! – they’ve even done! It just totally rocks out!
I especially love how Joe and Derek are playing solos off each other, killer!

The band then dip back to the first album for ‘The Great Divide,’ that Glenn introduces as one of ‘our own favourites!’

Producer Kevin Shirley speaks next briefly before the band next play ‘Sista Jane,’ which they even throw a little cover snippet of ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again,’ before Derek speaks briefly and then it’s right into ‘Man In The Middle.’

It’s a Glenn Hughes history lesson next, to see who can remember next track, Deep Purple's ‘Burn?!’
Great job, love Joe’s guitar work here, that Flying V sounds great!

This disc then wraps up playing out to images alongside credits, to the sound of ‘Smokestack Woman.’

The second disc of course is bonus material, including more interview time, explaining ‘The Forging of Black Country Communion,’ with Glenn meeting up with Joe backstage at a James Brown show … Brilliant stuff!
There’s a load more on the second disc, including promo videos too, it’s a really good set.

Rating: 4.25 out of 5

Official website:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Brief News Update for Wednesday January 18th, 2012

Well folks, I can't believe it but it's happened ...
After all the people I've interviewed for one site or another, I was asked if I'd do an interview and it was with local radio host Big JD for CJAM - 99.1 FM show, 'U Talkin' 2 Me?'
It's a weekly radio show where Big JD interviews either a big name or some local celebrity to Windsor or Detroit, not that I could ever consider myself to be such, but it was fun!
We pre-recorded the show that is scheduled to air - you heard it here first! - on Wednesday February 15th, 2012 at .... - This is the kicker! - it's at 4pm (EST).
For my friends and family in the UK, you can go to the website for the live stream at 9pm your time!

'U Talkin' 2 Me?' - Big JD talking to local rock reviewer Alun Williams
Air date: Feb 15th - 4pm EST
99.1 FM or streaming from - Windsor-Detroit   

So there you have it!
Thanks Big JD, enjoyed talking to you!
Anyway enough about me, this site is about great musicians and their music and what they are up to today! On with the show!
Cheers, Al


Few heavy metal artists have built as stellar a discography as Judas Priest over the years.
And now, fans will get a chance to acquire all of Priest's classics in one fell swoop. On January 24th, Columbia/Epic/Legacy will release the 17-CD box set, 'The Complete Albums Collection,' which contains every studio and live album that featured the classic line up of Rob Halford, Glenn Tipton, K.K. Downing, and Ian Hill.
Included will be brand new remasters of Priest's first two albums, 1974's 'Rocka Rolla' and 1976's 'Sad Wings of Destiny' (which have never been released before as authorized remasters by the band), in addition to each individual album being packaged in a replica mini-LP sleeve reproducing that album’s original cover art.
And although the 2009 live compilation, 'A Touch of Evil…Live' is included; no other compilations will be present.

Also featured in the set will be a 40-page booklet with photos, album credits, and liner notes by rock journalist/Priest fan Greg Prato. 'The Complete Albums Collection' will be available for purchase exclusively via
It's not often that you can acquire all of the classic albums by one of rock's all-time great bands in one gorgeously assembled package.
Judas Priest's killer 'The Complete Albums Collection' is certainly one of these rare occurrences.


Rocka Rolla (1974)
Sad Wings of Destiny (1976)
Sin After Sin (1977)
Stained Class (1978)
Killing Machine (1978)
Unleashed in the East (1979)
British Steel (1980)
Point of Entry (1981)
Screaming for Vengeance (1982)
Defenders of the Faith (1984)
Turbo (1986)
Priest…Live! (1987)
Ram It Down (1988)
Painkiller (1990)
Angel of Retribution (2005)
Nostradamus (2008)
A Touch of Evil…Live (2009)


EMI to release Iron Maiden 'En Vivo!'

EMI are proud to announce the release of a new live IRON MAIDEN Blu-Ray, 2 DVD Set and Double Soundtrack Album on Monday March 26th (March 27th Canada and USA (via UMe)).
"EN VIVO!" was filmed on 10th April 2011 in front of over 50,000 ecstatic fans at the Estadio Nacional, Santiago during the Round The World In 66 Days leg of The Final Frontier World Tour, and captures a magnificent performance by the band, ardently embraced by the legendary Latino passion and energy of their Chilean fans. With spectacular stage backdrops, dynamic musicianship and a literally jaw-dropping appearance by Eddie, this live show encapsulates to perfection the heart and soul of Iron Maiden 2011.

Bass player and founder member Steve Harris comments "For The Final Frontier Tour it was really important to me that we filmed in South America as we're always so overwhelmed by the fans' reaction when we go to that part of the world and I wanted to reflect that in the filming. After much consideration we chose the Santiago show as we felt it was one of our best performances of the entire Tour and to play at the prestigious Estadio Nacional was a landmark moment for us. For reasons known to our fans, it took a long time before we got to play our first show in Chile, and once we did get to play a show, the response was so phenomenal we just had to keep coming back and it's got better and better each time!

This show also features the gigantic new Eddie. He wasn't due to make his appearance until our European leg of the tour later in 2011, but we managed to transport him across the sea in a special huge container just in time for the latter end of the South American dates so it was great we were able to immortalize him for the DVD as he really has to be seen to be believed!"

The concert was filmed digitally using 22 HD cameras and an octocam (a flying camera which captures aerial crowd scenes), recorded in both stereo and 5.1 audio and mixed by Maiden's longstanding producer Kevin "Caveman" Shirley, all of which serves to accentuate the incredible atmosphere of this compelling performance. Extensive use is made of split screens so fans can follow the individual members closer and the set list moves seamlessly between songs from Maiden's most recent studio album, 2010's The Final Frontier through to classic fan favourites via the band's vast and varied catalogue. (full set listing below).

DVD Disc Two is a Bonus Disc containing an 88-minute documentary, BEHIND THE BEAST.
This is also an entirely in-house production by Maiden's own Krew, led by Andy Matthews, and is intended as an interesting and revealing high quality "home movie" for their fans of how to put on an Iron Maiden tour and what goes on behind the scenes at a show. It describes the extraordinary story of one of the most acclaimed and ambitious touring shows in the world. It illustrates the day to day life and complex tasks of the Maiden Killer Krew and the other characters behind the scenes. The expertise and experience, the problem-solving and successes, the sheer scale and immense difficulties of the undertaking comes to life through the day to day coverage of the tour and the background work of the crews in sound, lighting, carpentry, production and set design. As well as interviews with the Iron Maiden crew, it interweaves anecdotes from the band and their fans, and includes footage of the live show in this comprehensive guide to the intricacies of staging massive, live Stadium shows around the World out of the belly of a Boeing 757.
The bonus disc also contains an extended version of the promo video "Satellite 15...The Final Frontier", a video about the making of "Satellite 15...The Final Frontier" plus the opening video sequence to The Final Frontier World Tour.

In addition to the Blu-Ray, the 2DVD will initially be available as a Limited Edition double DVD in Collectors Steel book case and Double Vinyl Picture Disc. As well as a traditional 2CD Soundtrack album, EN VIVO! will also be available as a Digital Download, CD soundtrack album and Digital Download Video.

Maiden's "Final Frontier World Tour 2010-11" saw the band circumnavigating the planet for the third time in their customized Boeing 757, Ed Force One, piloted by lead singer Bruce Dickinson, and playing 98 shows in 36 countries to over 2 million fans.

(approx running time 120 mins)

1. Satellite 15
2. The Final Frontier
3. El Dorado
4. 2 Minutes To Midnight
5. The Talisman
6. Coming Home
7. Dance Of Death
8. The Trooper
9. The Wicker Man
10.Blood Brothers
11.When The Wild Wind Blows
12.The Evil That Men Do
13.Fear Of The Dark
14.Iron Maiden
15. The Number Of The Beast
16. Hallowed Be Thy Name
17. Running Free

(approx running time 102 mins)

1.Behind The Beast documentary
2.Satellite 15...The Final Frontier promo video (director's cut)
3.The Making of Satellite 15...The Final Frontier promo
4.The Final Frontier World Tour Show Intro

For more information:

Frontiers Records signs British uprising Metal stars FURYON for the Worldwide release of their debut album "Gravitas"
Frontiers Records is excited to announce the Worldwide release of FURYON’s debut album “Gravitas” on March 23rd in Europe and March 27th in North America.

FURYON is a new band from the UK who like nothing more than to challenge expectations. Raised on a diet of heavy metal, prog, and classic rock, FURYON mix all these components for a truly unique and contemporary sound. Delivering huge rock radio friendly songs, with technically challenging, yet infectiously catchy musicianship. Dedicated to one sole purpose, making hard hitting songs that will stand the test of time. "Our music is good songs with touches of intelligence” says singer Matt Mitchell, “There are a many different moods that come out from this album and all the songs have meaning and substance. Heavy and Melodic! That is what FURYON and this album 'Gravitas' is about".
What separates FURYON from the crowd is the sheer quality of their musicianship. Boasting two truly world class guitarists in the form of Chris Green and Pat “The Shred” Heath, FURYON have few peers when it comes to the quality of their iconic riffs, and jaw dropping solos. Backing them up is one of the tightest rhythm sections the rock world has to offer with the awesome combination of Lee Farmery, and Alex (Nickel) Bowen. Leading from the front is the outstanding vocal versatility of Matt Mitchell, whose emotion drenched voice effortlessly moves between melodic and crunchingly heavy. “We really have been inspired by many bands over the time (as all musicians and writers are)” continues Matt, “but for this album inspirations from bands like Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Tool, Mastodon, Alter Bridge and Iron Maiden spring to mind”.
In 2009, after a sell out tour, and accompanying EP, FURYON set about the serious business of writing their debut album. The early demo’s reached the ears of US producer Rick Beato (SHINEDOWN, FOZZY), and a powerful and symbiotic relationship was formed. “Our hook up with Rick Beato was through Kip Winger recalls Matt. “We toured with Winger on their Karma tour and we had spoken with Kip about the band Shinedown and how we liked there productions. Kip hooked us up with Rick and to our delight he was interested in doing the album. Rick is a truly great Producer and writer”.

Released independently on a low profile and later covermounted on Metal Hammer UK, “Gravitas” received already rave responses from the press, including:

“I’ve seen hundreds of unsigned & unknown band in my career. Only a handful of them made me stand up and take any notice. Only one of them made me do that from the very first listen and that one band was FURYON.”
Chris Ingham (Group Publisher Classic Rock, Metal Hammer)

“Brighton’s FURYON are the latest and arguably greatest metal band of the modern era…” Dom Lawson (Metal Hammer UK)

 “Furyon almost crashed the airwaves when they came on my radio show, I’ve never had so many listeners tune in. They deserve to be stars. They deserve to play stadiums.” Louise Brown (Presenter Totalrock Radio/Editor Terrorizer Magazine)

“It has real underlying guitar driven fury”
Classic Rock Magazine UK
“Gravitas” will be released on Frontiers Records with the following tracklisting: Disappear Again; Stand Like Stone; Souvenirs; Don't Follow; New Way of Living; Voodoo Me; Fear Alone; Wasted on You; Our Peace Someday; Desert Suicide; Voodoo Me (acoustic)*; Souvenirs (acoustic)*
* Bonus tracks

Enjoy the videoclip of the awesome first single “Disappear Again” following this link: - The song can also be streamed on the Frontiers Records webradio:

Frontiers is now releasing this stunning debut worldwide with 2 bonus tracks. Pay attention: FURYON are destined to stardom!

Matt Mitchell - Vocals
Chris Green - Guitars
Pat Heath - Guitars
Alex "Nickel" Bowen - Bass
Lee Farmery - Drums

Livewire Youth Music Charity Auction Featuring Thin Lizzy
Your chance to meet Thin Lizzy at the Plymouth Pavilions show 31st January and support one of the UK’s leading youth music Charities Livewire Youth Music at the same time.

 Livewire Youth Music a UK registered Charity provides music based opportunities to young people aged 13 to 21, Thin Lizzy are keen supporters of the charity and have provided 10 concert tickets which will include the opportunity to meet the band after the show, the tickets will be auctioned on Livewire’s Ebay Charity page from this Thursday 19th January.

 This charity auction is fully endorsed and supported by Thin Lizzy and their management so bid with confidence.


Dio's Disciples appearing at NAMM Covention

The DIO Disciples will be out in force at this year's NAMM Convention in Anaheim, CA January 19-22.
Guitarist Craig Goldy and bassist Rudy Sarzo will be signing Thursday 1/19 at 1pm at the Dean Markley booth (Hall B, #5710), and Craig will be at the ENGL Booth (Hall B, #5824) Friday 1/20 at 2pm.
Rudy will be back at Dean Markley Sat 1/21 at 4pm for the "Gaggle of Bassists" signing.
On Friday, 1/20, Simon Wright, Rudy and Scott Warren will be getting together for a jam session with Robin McCauley, Frankie Banali and Robert Sarzo in the lobby of the Anaheim Convention Center from 5-7pm, so when you're done with the convention, come on over!


And finally ....

Yes, this weekend in California, it's the big N.A.M.M. convention ...

This is a great event, N.A.M.M. (National Association of Music Merchants) where all the music sponsors of so many great artists advertise their new goodies AND many great rock stars hang out and you get the chance to not only meet these guys but to see them jam with other stars too, sometimes some really special jams!

Here's the venue details if you're in the area ... Go!


5790 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, CA. 92008

Venue phone:
+1 760-438-8001


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

News Update for Tuesday January 17th, 2012

Hi folks, well, as promised yesterday here's the news update!
Sadly, still not too much to share ... I'd really hoped for more, but alas not too much is forthcoming. 
I'm pretty buzzed this week, for a few reasons, looking forward to doing the radio interview on Windsor, ON, Radio station 99.1 CJAM which is being pre-recorded tonight for a later broadcast, so that's great for the the site here ..., I hope!
Also this week, one new interview has been confirmed for this coming Saturday with a major artist that I am really buzzed about, mainly because I don't know the last time he was interviewed for any rock radio or rock site, so really hope that still comes off. My thanks go out to a certain other muso for helping set that up! You know who you are mate!
On top of that, there's a great possibility of another interview that will no doubt cost a little cash, if it comes off. Management of the European artist has said they can set it up, but ... We'll see if he agrees!
Great times here at Chambers of Rock, at least from where I'm sitting, I hope you'll enjoy the interviews too ...
I never see too many comment here on the interviews, only from the folks that are on Facebook that read them, so I wonder if maybe most of you are not so fussed?
You don't leave many comments folks, so I really don't know which features on here you like best?
News? Reviews? Interviews? I just don't know ....?
Ah well ...
On with the news then, Cheers, Al

JEFF SCOTT SOTO’s return to ROCK on 'Damage Control' out in the Spring on Frontiers!
Frontiers Records is pleased to announce the release of JEFF SCOTT SOTO’s fifth studio album “Damage Control” on March 23rd in Europe and March 27th in North America.

Extraordinary performer and amazing vocalist throughout, Jeff Scott Soto blasts through these hard rocking tracks with energy and masters the transition smoothly from heavy rock to a delicate ballad. For his new album “Damage Control”, Jeff has turned to many of his past influences and most requested aspects of his career by blending the art of Melodic Rock with Hard Rock throughout.

“I feel Damage Control is more of a return to what my fans would expect to hear from me. It’s a perfect blend of my first two solo albums with Frontiers Records; Prism and Lost in the Translation, but also mixes in some of my favorite moments of my past bands such as Talisman and Soul SirkUS tells Jeff. “It is heavy, AOR, hard rock with loads of great riffs and melodies”
Damage Control was recorded in the fall of 2011 and is completed with appearances and co-writing along with his former and current band mates together with many guests including Jamie Borger and Nalley Påhlsson (Treat), Casey Grillo (Kamelot), Joel Hoekstra (Night Ranger) and legendary Y&T founding member Dave Meniketti. Jeff recalls: “Y&T drummer Mike Vanderhule played drums on a track and suggested I bring Dave on but, as he is a long time friend and one on the ‘wish list’ of people I would have loved to have, I didn’t want to get an excuse that he was too busy or not interested, to my surprise I got neither... he was willing to do it and I was not only grateful but beyond pleased to work with another musical hero!”

The album will be released in two exclusive configurations; the basic version in CD jewel box will include 11 songs, while the deluxe edition in digipak format has an additional 3 bonus tracks and a DVD. Full tracklisting is below:

CD: Give A Little More, Damage Control, Look Inside Your Heart, Die A Little, Take U Down*, If I Never Let Her Go, Tears That I Cry, BonaFide, Elena*, Krazy World, How To Love Again, AfterWorld, NeverEnding War, Afraid To Die* * Bonus tracks only available on the Deluxe Edition. DVD: Look Inside Your Heart (videoclip); NeverEnding War (videoclip); Damage Control (videoclip); EPK interview.
Jeff Scott Soto is currently planning tour dates that will support the release of the new record: “The plan is to do as much touring as possible wherever the World will have me. I plan to promote this album with a proper touring regiment!” concludes Jeff.
Get ready for “Damage Control”, it will rock your World!

The first single “Look Inside Your Heart” can be streamed in full on Frontiers Records’ webradio: - the official trailer can be enjoyed following this link:

All Vocals: Jeff Scott Soto
Guitars: Gary Schutt, Jorge Salan, Diego Armelin, Rodrigo Armelin, Joel Hoekstra, Emo Markov, Dave Meniketti, Peter Pac Söderström, Alex Llorens, Roger Benet, Leo Mancini, JSS Bass: Fernando Mainer, Nalley Påhlsson, Henrique Baboom, JSS Keyboards: Fabio Ribiero, Ulf Wahlberg, BJ (Luis Paulo Almeida Jr), JSS Drums: Edu Cominato, Carlos Exposito, Casey Grillo, Mike Vanderhule, Jamie Borger, Joey Soto

L.A. Guns featuring Phil Lewis seal new album deal

L.A. Guns featuring Phil Lewis, Steve Riley, Stacey Blades and Scotty Griffin are pleased to announce the signing of their new record deal with Cleopatra Records.
The band are currently in pre-production and expect to start tracking in early February with legendary producer, and old friend, Andy Johns (Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Cinderella,Van Halen and Chickenfoot, as well as the last three L....A. Guns albums). A CD and vinyl release, as well as bonus tracks available only on iTunes, is set for early summer.
A nine-month World Tour following the release is also currently being put together.
Singer Phil Lewis is said to be thrilled to get back in the studio and finally get a chance to record once again with Andy. "We've been waiting a long time to get back in and record. Our last album, Tales From The Strip, was incredibly well-received and we're looking forward to putting out something even better! With today's uncertain musical landscape it's great to have a label like Cleopatra Records behind us. We've been friends with Brian Perera (Cleopatra Records owner and founder) for a long time, and are really looking forward to working together on this and many more projects with him in the future."
Official weblink:
Tooth and Nail band to jam at NAMM!
The band that really first made itself public on a recent episode of Eddie Trunk's Sirius XM radio show on The Boneyard, Tooth and Nail will be making a live showing at California's annual NAMM event.
They'll be gathering together at the Dean Markley booth on January 21st!
For More details on that stay tuned to:
Tooth and Nail, the band aptly named after the Dokken song of the same name, that featured three of this projects members in George Lynch (Guitars), Mick Brown (Drums) and Jeff Pilson (Bass/Vocals), will also feature Brian Tichy ... Yes, Brian Tichy is a drummer too ...
This is how Brian describes things at his site:
TOOTH AND NAIL: A new band in the works!

"Jeff Pilson (bass: Foreigner / ex-Dokken / Dio), George Lynch (gtr: Lynch Mob/ ex-Dokken) and Mick Brown (Ted Nugent / Lynch Mob / ex-Dokken) and me, Brian Tichy (Whitesnake / ex-Lynch Mob / Foreigner) have a new record and band in the making called "Tooth And Nail". I came up with the idea and basic concept of calling a band with 3 original members of Dokken "Tooth And Nail" and getting a singer to round it out and jam oldies and new tunes. Some say "Tooth" is Dokken's best record and Pilson, Lynch and Brown had a lot to do with that.
They decided to revisit some of Dokken's finest songs and get a some guest singer to help out. So far Sebastian Bach (ex-Skid Row), Ripper Owens (Ex-Judas Priest), and Doug Pinnick (Kings X) are involved. While this was being talked about, there was a whole new batch of music recorded by Pilson, Lynch and Tichy for Lynch Mob. Ex-Lynch Mob singer Oni Logan wasn't feeling the direction and the music was shelved. Pilson started putting words and melodies to it and that has become the 2nd 1/2 of Tooth and Nail. So, yes, in essence their are 2 drummers on the record but altogether it makes for an interesting new venture.
The record will be out in April and the future of all things Tooth And Nail after that are being put together as we speak...
Brian Tichy site:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Quick Note for Monday January 16th, 2012

Hi folks,
Well, hope you all had a great weekend, ours was busy ...
As you can see, no news items for today but hoping tomorrow I can bring you something worth reading.

Scouring the website and the few email notes I received since Saturday, there really wasn't too much to share, so what little I had I felt best to carry over for Tuesday's update.

For long time readers, you may recall I mentioned about a local radio station wanting to interview me - I know, it shocked me too! LOL! ;-) - well, the show is to be pre-recorded for broadcast in a month or so ... Yes, I'm none the wiser to when it will see light of day, BUT ... I will be doing the recording of said interview tomorrow.
I can share with you the site of the show that it will be happening on and that is:

It should be interesting, the good news for all of you is that it is short, just 30 minutes and so I will be limited to how much I will drone on for!
When it is due to air - Hopefully I will learn before it does. - I will let you know.
Meantime, that's it from me for today, cheers,