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Friday, December 23, 2011

Update for Friday December 23rd, 2012

Well Hi there folks,

I had hoped to bring you a news update today to close out news updates info for the year, unfortunately, trying to explain to an excited five and six year old that Daddy will come and play as soon as he gets this done ... Doesn't seem to sink in bless 'em!

It is Christmas time, yes, Christmas time and if there's those of you offended by me saying that, sorry but it's my belief and that's that ...!
Either way I do wish you all the very best for a safe and happy holiday, a very Merry Christmas to all and I for one am looking forward to a fantastic New Year in 2012!

You guys are all great and I thank you all sincerely for sticking by me and returning to 'Chambers of Rock' day in, day out getting the site to pass the 100,000 mark already, on the sites two year anniversary month, thank you so much!
It means a lot to me, industry people may think I'm small fry and often some of them treat me as such. There's many of them out who simply won't even reply to requests for information, review copies of material, interview requests - Probably can't blame 'em on that one! - and more, because 'Chambers of Rock' is so relatively small.

100,000 views in a two year period means a drop in the ocean to them, to me it reflects that there are certain fans as passionate about this music and scene, as I am myself and I for one, really appreciate your support. Thanks again, it's because of you guys, that I conti nue to do this.
I will say this though, it takes a hell of a lot of personal time to do this site each day and I know there's a lot I wish I could've got done by now - i.e. More reviews for starters ... - but it is tough with the day job and two young kids. If the daily views do drop below 100 on a regular basis, then seriously it probably means it's time to wrap this up.
I'd love it if you told more friends about the site, I really would, I get nothing for doing this site, except the knowledge from the numbers, that it excites you enough to return as it does for me to hear all this great news and new music from so many great acts.
If you think I'm getting paid by someone for doing this or that record labels or PR people pay me, give me bribes or whatever, that's so far from the truth. I've never even receive as much as a single Christmas card in the mail from any of my many contacts - There's around 150 of them by the way! 
Yes, I do receive albums and DVD's to review and on occasion, get the opportunity to review shows, by being on a list, I assure though ... It doesn't mean front rows seats for shows, not even first ten rows ..., but I do appreciate the tickets either way, which are few and far between.

Phew, went on a bit there didn't I? LOL!

Seriously, it's you great people that support the site by coming here, that make it worth my doing, if you didn't come, I'd most likely stop doing it, but that said .... Exciting news folks ....

Yes, someone out there does kind of like me!
Over the Christmas period, I have been invited to do a radio interview with 'Big JD,' on a weekly show called 'U Talkin' 2 Me' on 99.1FM covering Windsor, ON and Detroit, MI
The show is being pre-recorded and will air in the New Year.
Cool huh?
I will keep you updated on when it is due to air, OK?

Well, that's about it - That's enough right?! - I will continue to try and post the odd review if possible AND at least one of those outstanding interviews!

One last thing, since it is Christmas and this is a rock site, check these two great videos out from the Northern Light Orchestra:

Official weblink:

And this from TSO:

Once again, thank you so much for the support, can't say that enough.
Merry Christmas to all!

Alun Williams - Chambers of Rock

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